@Mike Wood - this is what I'm refering to: https://www.nola.gov/safety-an... I forget where I saw it refered to as "NRDRD", I think it was somewhere on One Stop. (I'm so done with all these acronyms, lol!) If I'm reading that page correctly, it sounds like any area that is considered a "historic district" (see the map here, https://laocd.maps.arcgis.com/...) even if it's outside of an HDLC area, requires city approval for demolition. Right?
The house I referenced earlier, that had issues with the demolition getting approved, is on my block. We're not in an HDLC area, but it is a "historic district". You mentioned that they'll approve it if you have redevelopment plans ... it's possible the owner didn't have a permit approval when all of this went down. He did build on it after the house got torn down, but maybe he just went about it the wrong way, and only submitted for permitting after the house was finally demolished? Really not sure, but if you haven't had any issues with getting them to approve demolition that's encouraging!
And yeah, we have been totally avoiding HDLC areas alltogether. I've heard the same thing from a lot of people, that's it's basically a huge pain in the ***! Thanks for confirming, haha.