Tenant was shown prior to moving in the general area of the yard that she should avoid driving over because of the septic tank. Her moving truck shows up, rolls right on top of the tank. I had our maintenance company run a camera down the pipe and it had not broken, at a cost of 150 dollars.
Cut to last month, I went to the house because she was moving out and I wanted to put stakes in the ground to keep it from happening again. She was likely drunk and definitely belligerent because she didn't like where I put the stakes, she told me she was going to take them out and started advancing toward me with wild eyes and hands raised, I just kept backing up until she gave up because even if she hit me I would end up looking like the bad guy because she is 85 and I am sure that manipulative POS was trying to trap me. I told her if she took the stakes out in defiance of my express order to leave them be, that she would have to pay out of the security for me to have the tank inspected.
So I went to see the house after she left and it is very clear the stakes came out and were put back in, I took a picture when I placed them and they are in a different order now.
Does anyone see a problem with my using some of the security for this? I am wondering because it isn't technically to fix damage incurred, but I will have to pay not only for them to run the camera but also to have it pumped, when they ran the camera last year I had just had it pumped, and I would not have had it pumped again until next year.