This thread just continues to go on. I've said twice before that I'm done, but keep getting compelled to add more. So here are my final (for now) thoughts.
First, this thread started with questions about Renatus. Directly and specifically. So what do you expect to be discussed? If you don't like it, don't read it.
Second, Renatus is not for everyone, is not the only thing out there (though I don't know of anything else that does what Renatus does regarding forming local communities, support and national connections and relationships), and is not flawless. It does have much to offer a lot of people who want to learn to invest in real estate and those who want to help those who want to learn.
Third, The TOP level of education costs $20,000. What hasn't been discussed much is that it costs $125 to become a Renatus affiliate and the "entry" level education starts at $1,997. Those are hardly budget-busting amounts and the Essentials level education (the $1,997 one) really offers tremendous value to the beginning real estate entrepreneur.
Fourth, one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the flexibility that individual affiliates have to create their own opportunities. I am in a group called the Practicum Group that has relationships with numerous big Hedge Funds and other individual investors and funders nationally who have the ability to do deals. I would NEVER have this kind of opportunity without my Renatus relationships. I'm currently working on a potential $5.5M condo construction in Miami. Not bad for a little old guy from rural Ohio who moved here three years ago knowing exactly one person here (my son).
Fifth, there has been some discussion here re Nouveau Riche. The abridged version is that Bob Snyder and Jim Piccolo were partners in NR. It had a good run for awhile. Bob discovered some things that were being done that he was unaware of and didn't agree with, whereupon he decided to leave the company. He gathered a group of people who were like-minded, developed what they thought was a superior business mode and formed Renatus (Latin for New Beginning). Bob was not involved in any wrongdoing with NR and, if you know him, you will know that would be entirely against his nature. The company has continually attempted to improve and upgrade its services. That's the story of how Renatus began.
In summary, this thread started with a question of what Renatus is and does anyone know anything about it. I think that has been answered pretty adequately. If anyone has further concerns or questions you have several names here to contact. Mine is in my Profile. Renatus is not a scam, offers legit services for a fee, is national in scope and local in many areas of the country, is growing and offers services to people who want those services. Nothing more and nothing less. The bottom line is that people will do with an opportunity what they do with it. Ultimately, it's up to them. Real estate is neither easy nor risk-free. What Renatus does is teach people how to invest in real estate as safely and intelligently as possible while providing a support system so they are never in it alone. Some people thrive on doing things themselves. Other people need varying degrees of support and help. Renatus attempts to reach those who need help and support and provide it to the degree that they need. Good education is not free in any endeavor. Most people agree that education is good and a requirement for achievement at most any level. The rewards in real estate can be can the risks. It's up to the individual to decide how badly they want to change their direction in life. Renatus is one alternative. There are others. You choose.