Quote from @Emeka Okeke:
Hey there! my name is Emeka and I'm new to real estate. I'm based in Powder Springs, Ga.
I've always heard about real estate passively but it always went over my head and seemed beyond my reach. While I still think its complicated something about it has caught my attention in a very serious way.
So far, I've read The Millionaire Real Estate Investor and I'm currently reading The Book on Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner. I've signed up to my local GaREIA 2 weeks ago and already started networking there. I'll also be attending the Momentum2025 virtual event next month.
I'm trying to take as much action as possible but I know the ultimate action would be to close on my first rental property.
Here is my question for everyone. What was the one book that changed your mindset and made you believe you could do this? What was the event or action you took that no longer made you feel like an imposter but a real investor?
I'm eager to connect with like-minded investors, soak up as much knowledge as possible, and turn ideas into action.
Love that you're going to Momentum 2025, will see you there!
If you're really wanting real estate as a "passive" income I would look more into syndication investing and hard money lending. Though I would caution you on hard money lending until you understand the industry a bit better, that can be very rewarding but you have to be able to do your due diligence on deals because you're turning over your hard-earned money to an individuals project, often a flip.
I have two books to recommend, one podcast, and then one more summit happening in person in May for syndication investors. My book recommendations are not mindset necessarily, they're specifically tailored to passive investing and the reason for this is I think having an educational foundation on mindset and strategy are important but getting too hung up on mindset may actually keep you from taking action. Start broad, learn about investing in general, mindset, and strategy, THEN dive deep into a specific niche to get steps to take action. Because until you understand the specific niche of investing you want to get into, you won't understand what concrete steps you need to take.
Book recommendation #1: Hands Off Investor by @Brian Burke https://store.biggerpockets.com/products/the-hands-off-inves...
Book recommendation #2: Lend to Live https://store.biggerpockets.com/products/lend-to-live
Podcast Recommendation: PassivePockets podcast is focused on passive investing in syndications - https://passivepockets.com/podcast/
Passive investing summit: PassivePockets Summit May 2-3rd in Columbus https://get.biggerpockets.com/passivepocketsevent/
I make these recommendations specifically since you mentioned passive real estate investing, and syndications or hard money lending are really the two most passive ways to invest in real estate.
If you're looking for more active strategies like purchasing your own real estate let me know and I'm happy to send updated recommendations based on what your situation is and what your goals are :)