Alex R. I think you were missing the sarcasm, though I'm sure it was good natured. I think you are also missing the point of all the free advice, if you think it's a good deal even if it's way below the asking price (and you've actually run the numbers yourself) then put the offer in - all they can say is no.
But just to chime in as also a fairly newbie, I have put in several offers (and taken into account all of the info given here, though my info was obtained from several books on multi-family investing, prior to me finding PB) and not one was accepted or even countered - there are a lot of investors in Bakersfield doing the same, several re agents told me that.
You say that you wondering if its a good deal, and you were given many reasons why it wasn't. Maybe at the lower price it is, but you should make sure you run the numbers first (using the advice here) to make the determination. I know that what seems like constructive criticism is not always easy to hear or take, but sometimes we have to check ourselves not to overreact to what honestly amounts to people trying to help us out. Good luck to you in whatever you decide.