I live here in California. I am trying to learn about forming an LLC. At first I did alot of research on trying to form one out of state and still do business here. I thought i could avoid the $800.00 fee they charge in CA. From what I read If i do business here i still have to pay the $800.00 and I have to pay what the other state charge too. I also read that I can set up an LLC myself by going to the secretary of state website. I found a website call legalzoom. you can set up an LLC there for about $400.00
I also read rich dad real estate advantages. In the book she said some like setting up LPs in other states and you can do business in other if you connect them. I may be wrong but i was confuse on that part I need some advice on this. Should I set it up myself or use the Legalzoom or use an attorney? Are there any other websites that are good to set up LLC's? I was hoping i can get some advice from someone who has an LLC. How did you go about setting it up? Also if anyone has read Rich dad Advantages do you understand the LLC part. :D