Last July, my fiancé, now wife bought a 2 flat that was advertised as a SFH and the zoning certificate says SFH, but it was built as a two flat. 4 entrances, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 furnaces two 1960's mailbox slots in the brick etc. There's are also two 2 flats next door that are "legal" that are identical to ours. The person who owned it prior to us had been there 30+ years and knocked out a doorway between the two units and lived in the whole property.
We rehabbed the property and rented out both units. We currently owe about $153k and all of the comps in the neighborhood are $250k or more.
We are looking to do a cash out refi, but I think we would have an issue when getting it appraised because the appraiser would see the property as a 2 flat but it's zoned as a SFH. I have spoke to a few lawyers about getting the certificate changed, but had no luck.
Does anyone have an recommendations for a lender who they would suggest given the situation. I am also open to other ideas if you have them. I have emailed the historical water department with a foia request to try to get a bill that could read the property as a 2 unit but haven’t had any luck.
Thank you in advance for your time.