there are several options here and i can speak from experience also, as i am still in the learning process with buying my first 2 family..... 1 you can get a conventional type loan, 2 you can get a commercial loan 3 you can go to a hard money lender (HML) 4 you can try some creative financing with the owner right now.... I am sure there will be others chiming in on this also..
keep in mind now that if you plan on flipping the house a HML will charge extremely high interest rates, but those loans are generally less than a year in length. They will aslo charge quite a few fees, points etc... And being a first time borrower you will probably get raped...
Depending on how much equity you have in your house, or your partners, a commercial loan might be a way to go.... You secure the property with your houses. Interest rates will be a few points higher but less hassle. And depending on the cost of property you might want to check with a local banker as I have found those are the ones that will lend less than 100k.
or yet another option is to pay cash for it... good luck on that one though :D