I am new to this, so I might not be the best person to reply, but here are a few thoughts:
1) Everyone who goes into this know they are taking a risk. I tried and tried to determine a way that I could by my first property with the worry in the back of my head. It's not possible. I will tell you this though...if you don't act you will look back and always regret it.
2) still on the point of risk, I always asked people," this is so simple and the returns are amazing, why isn't everyone doing this?!?!" I discovered the reason. Risk. Only a select type of people have what it takes to step over the line and make the risk, and know deep down that they will find a way to make it. Most of those people are very wealthy for doing so.
As far as partnership, that is why I'm on this forum. I've also been thinking about partnering up, but am unsure how to go about it safely or if it is even a good choice. Seems it could be very beneficial for both parties, but it also seems like one party could get screwed if they aren't really on top of things and there partner is ethical. Looking forward to hearing more on this topic.