Good job though on going on 6 listing appointments in 5 weeks!
You are most likely wasting your money on flyers, especially 1000 of them. Also, after you print them out you have to get them into the hands of a prospective buyer either through mail or some other way, which will cost you more money or time. If you did want to do that it is a business expense and you can use the whole cost as a deduction. But flyers are not going to get you the results you want which is to actually SELL the house to a buyer.
Here is what I have noticed after doing this for a few years and like you try to focus on listings. When you meet with people and try to sell them on your services you need to use sell both the sizzle (flyers, single property websites, social media, etc) as well as the steak (price and making the house look really, really good). You sell them on signing up with you to be their listing agent with a really good presentation that wins them over that focuses on both of those aspects.
However, the steak part is what will actually sell the house as an active listing. That is really what you want.