Congratulations to you!
Before our offer, we did little on the property itself. We took a look at the neighborhood, crime data, average rents, Google street view, and the pro forma from the seller, which I then turned into a "worst case" set of numbers I believed in. Based on that, we made the offer.
Since then, we have asked for things like this:
- Current rent roll
- Last twelve months of income and expenses (sometimes called a trailing 12 or T12)
- Bills to match against the T12
- Last two years of IRS Schedule E for this property.
- Evidence of property taxes being paid (the county website will tell you this)
- Leases, tenant application info
- Home/Building inspection
- Appraisal
- Bank statements
I'm very new at this, but from what I have read, the idea is that few owners will have every document, and you don't actually need everything because some documents have duplicate info. What I am trying to do is look at all the expenses, income, and security deposits and then trace it back to an actual bank deposit or bill. We ended up asking for explanations for several categories on the T12 in an effort to figure out what was an improvement vs what is likely to be recurring expenses, then I re-ran my spreadsheet with those numbers to make sure we still wanted to purchase. For the leases and tenant info, I wanted to know who I was inheriting and verify actual rents being paid in the T12 vs the lease.
I'm sure I missed something we asked for, or missed something altogether. Hopefully others will chime in with better info.