Looking for Contacts/Leads, Investor/(REI's)Groups in North Central-Western Arkansas-(Clinton/Fairfield Bay Hwy#65 Area)
Any REI Groups or meetups near these area's (Clinton/Fairfield Bay Hwy#65 Area north of Conway and Little Rock, AR) with websites, calendar or information about future meetings on the web? Do any of these groups use the Meet-up format, record session topics for those unable to travel to meeting sites, by using YouTube, Ustream or Skype like technology?
I'm from another part of the country and trying to make contacts in other area's and thought BP might be helpful for us non-institutional investors/owners/sellers of Real Estate.
So far most the MLS/Realtor's (some say they are investors-guru's) I've contacted out of state seem to be only focused on the Case-Shiller index Metro's and not any rural recreation & retirement communities, like the one I mentioned above in Arkansas. The realtors I've contacted in those smaller rural area's don't seem to be warm & fuzzy to those from outside the area.