Hi everyone, I’m Kevin, 27, and an Air Force Pilot. I’m excited to say that yesterday, I vacuumed my truck. If you don’t know what that is, go listen to Podcast #276. I first became interested in real estate when in my junior year of college, a professor of mine told us about how he bought a home at every base he was stationed and was making $10k a month. Sounds pretty good to a college student right? After graduation, I read Millionaire Next Door, Think and Grow Rich, Total Money Makeover, Personal Finance for Dummies, and The Money Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke. These books helped shape my thoughts on money and after 2 years, I became debt free. Once I was debt free, I had about 2 years before my first operational assignment, so I saved for a down payment on my first house, which I’ve always intended to make a rental when I PCS. I bought my first house in February 2017 for $185k with the goal of buying at every duty station during my career. I recently discovered the BP podcast, along with Wheelbarrow Profits, and now listen to them while at the gym. The wealth of knowledge I’ve gain from them and the forums is immense, and yesterday I made the leap and contacted the realtors on a couple local properties (Clovis, NM) that caught my eye (both single and multi-family). Just like vacuuming your truck your truck is free, contacting the broker online is free. My end goal is to replace my income and give me the option to stop working if I want to. If anyone has experience in the Clovis, NM area, any advice or thoughts are welcome.