So there must be other places like my town. The average (decent shape) 2 family home is selling from 250k-325k. And the average rent is $1100-$1300. These numbers don't work out for the 1% rule. Everything I've ever read on here, or heard on the podcast is that if you don't make at least 1% a month you will lose money. The only way I can see these landlords around me making money is if they have owned the property for years before the prices inflated.
The reason I've been thinking about this is because a 2 family a few down from mine has been lived in by a hoarder for the last 50 years, and no maintenance has been done to the property in this time. It literally looks like the Munsters house. He passed away a few weeks ago and i walked over to speak with the family who is here this week cleaning the house out. They are from Arizona, I'm in Connecticut. He voiced not wanting anything to do with the property, but when he asked me what I would pay for it, I said "in the 70's"... He almost just walked away from me. I couldn't get a hard number out of him, but he did mention a number around 140k.
This seems outrageous to me. The entire house needs to be gutted, the entire exterior needs to be redone. The 2 car garage is cinder block, but the roof is caved in. Massive trees near the house. Plus the entire house is full. 3 floors of garbage.
I've had my eye on this property for a long time, but I think it will need about 140k-160k to fix, do other people think my price in the 70's is low balling him?
I think if the units were nice I could rent each floor for $1200. ($2400 a month total) I want to buy in my town because it is nice, it's just so expensive here.