Originally posted by @Andrew Frishman:
One comment I want to make regarding this BRRRR podcast:
The assumption being:
The average single family "newbie" investor / Average Joe" is not going to want to BUY/cash! ...a fixer upper" for more then $150- 200K..without loosing sleep at night....maybe...(a hard money loan would only add to the stress on a Newbie).
Therefore....I/ most investors would have to shop in Housing markets with homes under 200k...
In my case...living in the northeast....I am restricted to the southeast (NC, FLA, Tenn, Georgia)/ maybe...Midwest.)
I would have to long Distance Invest....
Then I would have to get a team/"Core 4" in the market. I would have to travel.. ..to be boots on the ground to network with contractors //bankers...etc..
If I overcome the above hurdles ….. I would have to place all of my faith in my contractor.
I need to get in the right mindset to take this leap of faith!! and put on a set of Brass balls...lol
Any Feedback appreciated...
Yes, the talk is great, but the reality is totally different. I think most people who are doing BRRR well are doing it as a full-time job not as a side investment (like most of us on here are trying to do). The original capital seems to often come from selling your house or investment, but some have jumped straight into hard money.
I think the only way to really get into BRRR investing while having a full-time job is starting local, but like you, LA would require a ton of money to get started. Good thing there are many paths to investing and I think even you buy a few with conventional loans and if things like cap ex and maintenance and utilities kill your cash flow that you had calculated, you will have an asset or three that you can eventually sell and start the entire process as perhaps your main job.
Willing to give time and money to it is way under talked about. I think you need to be willing to spend a few thousand finding a deal. Be it marketing, inspections, travel, etc. That is also not talked about either, the sunk costs.
Good luck, and find a strategy that works for you.