Just remember homestead laws are only for a home you live in at the time. These laws will keep a creditor from taking the home you live in or forcing a sale. An LLC is meant to protect your other REI properties from a lawsuit triggered on another property.
Say you have three rentals A, B, and C, and they are all owned in your personal name. Someone slips and falls at property A due to poor sidewalk maintenance on your property (negligence). The victim's lawyer does a property search and sees that you own 3 properties all in your name. That lawyer sees a bigger target and makes it worth his while to proceed on a contingency basis. If the three different properties are owned by three different LLCs it makes the attack surface smaller and less appealing. It also blocks the lawyer's ability to attach his suit to the other properties.
All of this said if it is the home you are currently living in always claim the homestead exemption if it is available. As pointed out by @Frank Chin an LLC for your personal residence will not offer you much protection.
Scott Smith of Royal Legal Solutions has some great free resources that explain LLCs and asset protection strategies for real estate.