Save up your money another downturn is coming.
Automation and the internet are gonna kill a lot of jobs and entire industries, A lot of people are entirely dependent upon their stock market 401K or pensions (Some of the funds will never be able to pay up) for their income, the country is $20 Trillion in debt and no one can agree on anything, the healthcare system is in a state of complete debacle, we have recently seen 3 major disasters hit our soil (Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico was already broke and now they need more money because they are even more broke than they were before) - Our government and most of it's people are still operating on an economic system which was designed 90 years ago (3 generations) which will no longer function as we go forward - Interest rates have to go up eventually which means more expensive money, Let's not forget the tax thing (We had a 94% income tax rate and they confiscated gold during the great depression) etc, etc, fill in the blank
Now I don't want to be a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer but someone has to survive the next downturn to pick up the pieces. We'll survive and be stronger afterwards but still the collective willpower doesn't seem to be there.
What does your gut tell you ???
Save up your cash and be ready to prosper during the next cycle.
Good things come to those that wait. Perseverance, Patience and Cash are King.