@Jaron Walling Hey Jaron--So, we purchased the house in August, 2017, started renovating in September, and finished up in April 2018. So, no mortgage payments that whole time. Then we decided to get renters in BEFORE starting the refinance process. So, the tenants' first rent payment was May, then we started the refi, which finally just closed last week. So, we had the May rent, June rent, and we'll get the July rent, all before we have to pay our first mortgage payment, which starts August 1. Since we closed in June, the first mortgage payment is August 1 (which is a nice little perk). We had considered possibly waiting even longer to start the refinance process, just so we could pull in more cash, BUT ultimately, we got a bit antsy, and wanted our chunk of change back. It happened to time out pretty nicely, with us making $3600 the first three months, basically paying off what we have invested in the property.