@David S. @Arlen Chou
Thanks for the feedback. Rents have really exploded in the neighborhood-more than I realized--so I could raise it by a third to bring it to low/middle market, appropriate because it's a little beat up and dated, especially now that the area has become so much more expensive.
I like the idea of the conditional raise. I may go ahead and give her notice of an almost full market raise, with a renegotiation if Prop 10 doesn't pass. At least we then know how one person will vote. :)
I'm an investor, yes, but also don't want to be a jerk, which is what I fear the city will force me to be. We had a satisfactory arrangement -- she's been there long-term, is low maintenance, and only one person in a large condo. I have a demanding day job. When she moves I'll have to dump in effort and cash, and I can always find other uses for those. The arrangement works for me now, precisely because I have pricing control. The unit is also not a pure investment; I plan on moving back into it eventually. Otherwise I'd just sell it.
I will join the EBRHA for sure.