I'd like to chime in on a couple of the common misconceptions that a lot of people here seem to have, both with education in general and with Renatus in particular.
First, the concept that Renatus is MLM. People say this because they don't know anything about it. It is not "multi-level", therefore can't be an MLM. Sure, they allow their students to market their education product and pay them handsomely for that effort. So what? Every company out there markets their product. Does it make it a "scam" just because they use the people who have been through their program? That's like a company that does software development giving employees a bonus for referring other good programmers automatically makes the company a "scam". Again, people don't understand it, but they think their opinion means something regardless.
Second, from what I've seen, Renatus provides *COMPREHENSIVE* education tracks on particular subjects. Can you learn all this info for free, on your own? Probably. But how long will it take you? How thorough is that education? You can become a brain surgeon on your own without medical school, too. How many YouTube videos do you expect someone to watch before they start cutting into your skull? How many books do you think you would need to read before you become a structural engineer?
Here's a thought experiment: Let's say that you think you know enough to get started. You jump into some aspect of real estate investment and in your first year, you make $50k. Not bad. But what if you missed HUGE opportunities or made some really rookie mistakes (I'm sure the people who say "do it on your own for free!" never made any rookie mistakes, right?)? What if you had gone through the Renatus training and you learned enough NOT to make those mistakes and, in doing so, you would have made $80k that year? Would that $20k in education have been worth it? What if you were able to double what you did and make $100k that year? Is that $20k worth making another $30k?
I just turned 58 and when I was 55, I got my bachelor's degree in IT/Software Development from WGU, which is an online, self-paced university. It took me just over 3 years to go through a 5-year degree program while working full time. Trust me, I know how to self-study, I have plenty of motivation and drive and I'm not the dullest tool in the shed. But I don't know how to determine when I've had "enough" training to be relatively sure I'm not going to make a very costly mistake.
Can you make a lot of money in real estate? Sure. Can you lose a lot of money in real estate, if you don't know what you are doing? Ask these people who are encouraging you to "self-study" for free. You get exactly what you pay for.
Here's another thought: What if you are in the middle of a flip and you come across a problem with your roof? You don't know any roofers, so you just pick one out of the yellow pages (yeah, I'm showing my age) and they got 1/2 way done and then went to do another job and it rained, destroying your roof? Now imagine if you were part of a *COMMUNITY* of investors that go out of their way to help one another? You need a roofer and one of them says, "Oh yeah I know a guy. He's done the last 3 of my properties. I'll hook you up!" Do you think you could save $5k in that instance? $10k? $15k? How many of those would it take to recoup that $20k you spent on training?
I've been trying to break into real estate investing for a long time. I've gone to several of the "sales pitch" seminars and seen the cons from up close. I've done 2 real estate deals that cost me almost $100k because I didn't have the education and the community support.
I don't know how many books you've read on real estate, but these people in this thread that are telling you to go it alone and never pay for anything that you can get "for free" have clearly not read or at least understood any of them that I've read. One of the most common threads in the books that I've read is "BUILD YOUR TEAM!!!" Buying into Renatus is buying into a team. It's buying into a community of people who want to help each other.
I belonged to a REI in Portland, Oregon. It was NOTHING like the Renatus team I'm currently getting involved with. The "education" that was presented at the REI meetings were little more than sales pitches, giving people just enough information to be enticing to go buy their education system and just enough to be extremely dangerous without the rest of the training. With Renatus, when you buy in, there is no up-selling, there is no "pay a little more to get a little more", there is no "you bought the system 3 years ago, so you have to buy it again to get the newest stuff". You pay the ONE TIME fee and you get everything for life. And you get all the NEW stuff, as it comes out, for life. I just went to a meeting last night where the leader was saying that the tax and business classes are remade every single year because the tax laws change every year. Are you willing to go search for TAX LAW information on your own ("for free") and expect to understand the newest changes every year? I don't know about you, but that seems ridiculous and extremely dangerous to me.