That's an interesting plan Jerry. I don't think I would purposely enter a deal that I was cash flow negative or even break even on, despite being no money down, with a few exceptions. The exception would be a property that was very expensive, if there was a small percent in appreciation it would pay off big in equity and the monthly principal pay down would add equity quickly (hopefully more equity added than cash flow subtracted). Another exception would be if I was very confident in appreciation or the property was undervalued and I had immediate equity to flip in the not too distant future. You say that coming up with a down payment is a difficulty, but adding negative cash flow will make it even more difficult. If you have several of these properties the maintenance could eat you up. I am working toward 10 properties that make 10+% ROI, at that point a years worth of cash flow will bring in enough for the next purchase and my snowball will start rolling.