@Ian Fisher
William Robison is my current property manager for about a year now. I am very happy with his work. Repairs are taken care of immediately, often the same day the client calls. I have met my tenants and have seen the good raport he has with them. He has put in extra effort finding used or blemished appliances to keep down costs. He even installed a water heater himself with no labor charge so the tenant would have hot water over the weedend. There has been several times he has offered to fix things free because they randomly broke shortly after we rehabbed a project, like a used dish washer and garbage disposal. There has been a few I refused to let him do free because they were in no way his fault. He carries around a can of wasp killer in his truck and will blast nests if he sees one forming, no fee from a exterminator, I wouldn't even know about that except I spent a day driving around with him and saw him in action. I'm sure there is others I haven't seen.
Proactive example - I just got an email asking if I want the gutters cleaned. He got a good deal with a guy for the high volume and sent emails to all the property owners about the service. William gets the gutters cleaned a little later in the season to make sure all the leaves have fallen. Getting the leaves out keeps the gutter from rotting and more importantly keeps the water moving fast and away from the foundation which can lead to very expensive foundation damage or flood damage to the tenants property.
I'd be happy to talk with you more about my experience. Just send me a private message.