I went to an investors conference earlier this year that was about 700 people, and I'll estimate that about 30-40 of those people were women. I've been to smaller investor gatherings where out of 30 people, I've been the only female there who is not a "wife". It is a little uncomfortable, but you know, I choose to hang out in places where the people are wonderful, and so I had no worries about being welcomed, these folks I hang with are generally awesome people.
What was interesting to me was that at the conference, two of their three main speakers were women -- Randi Zuckerberg (that is, Mark Zuckerberg's sister, who is also the creator of Facebook Live and creator of a kids show called Dot, Dot Complicated and a new initiative called Sue's Test Kitchen, that are all about kids and technology). One of the other speakers was Jill Furman, a Broadway producer (who apparently made the introduction to Randi Zuckerberg for the conference organizers).
As far as I can tell, his 700 mostly male audience was very appreciative and loved both presenters. As a female, I was inspired, and thankful.
Also at this conference, it was very interesting how other women approached me with warmth and kindness. Having these new women friends helped me feel "less weird" about being there in the first place. And these women were so impressive, I am so thankful to have met them.
So anyway, just sharing some experiences.
I will also share that one of my current business heroes is Katrina Lake, CEO of Stitch Fix. She's a very successful young female entrepreneur and she has articulated some of the struggles of starting out and taking her company public in an investing world that is full of guys.