Originally posted by @Jason Burr:
Originally posted by @Whitney D.:
This is exactly why I am 100% behind using a PM, though I cant blame any PM's for not wanting to take on rentals in these areas. Its only 10% of my rent per month but to me its fantastic insurance and someone else to do the work for me and deal with these situations.
I had a friend I used to work with, she bought the house down the street and renovated it, luckily for her she had a PM. She came home one day and there were cop cars and police tape everywhere. She found out that the tenant had committed suicide by shooting himself in the living room. It shook her up a little, but the PM dealt with everything, getting the house cleaned, police paperwork etc. She never had to see any of it, and I think thats the only reason she opted to keep the house and was able to deal with it emotionally.
I would argue that these horror stories are the exception not the rule. They make for good entertainment. Its not entertaining to talk about all of the folks who take care of your property and pay on time.
I prefer to self manage. Nobody cares for your property like you do!
Getting hit by a semi truck who then flees the scene is also the exception but not the rule, but still last year a semi truck totaled my car and kept driving. Thats why I have insurance, because without it I would be SOl, but because I had it, I got a settlement to pay for a new car. I learned a long time ago that I am no exception to the rules. Anything can happen to any of us, it comes down more to chance than anything else, and there are certain things we can do to lessen the chances that something happens.
As far as talking about the folks who take good care of my house, I have made several posts about having good tenants in my rental. But I grew up seeing more than one bad renter that my mom had to deal with. I have friends and co workers who have dealt with nightmare situations as well. I know these things do happen, and often more than we like to think.
As I said in my other post in this thread, some people make great landlords and can handle this just fine, thats great for them, I never said everyone has to have a PM. Personally, I cannot and do not want to handle a trouble tenant or have to go through any of the things I have seen others go through with trouble renters, and I know if it happened to someone else it could happen to me. I dont regret having to pay a PM, even if nothing happens, because I will regret not having one if something does.
As far as who cares for the property best, I would definitely call your statement debatable. There are many great PMs out there who know what they are doing far better than the property owner and will take better care than the owner, partially because the owner doesnt know better, partially because owners tend to be more sympathetic than a PM. I know a dependable PM would get a tenant out ASAP if they werent paying rent or causing trouble where as an owner could easily let things go for longer because they dont know the steps or feel bad. Yes there are owners who can be great landlords and take care of their house, but I dont agree that every owner is going to do a better job than a PM