So I always like to note success in STR is a very different skill set; its hospitality and marketing. Some folks are very willing to lean into the learning curve to understand what it takes to deliver an **experience** vs housing. To learn how to position the property in a marketplace - and understand the STR marketplace in order to achieve that.
The idea of listing it on Airbnb and they will come is no longer a thing if you want to realize income potential. It does take investing time to learn or building a team who has the skills to do this on your behalf in order to see the ideal return.
Analyzing income potential actually requires understanding the marketplace as well; the data clearinghouses that provide data are not 100%. I tell most people they are 70 to 80% there. But so many factors can impact on revenue, and realizing income potential including how well set up, marketed, and managed they are.
So ultimately, its about goals - what are you looking to accomplish, and resources - it takes more money to set up and run an STR vs LTR.
In my business, I often help analyze income potential for long-term investors; happy to help if that's of interest. The learning curve gets a lot shorter when you have someone on your team that can lean in with you,
Best of Luck