Thanks for the discussion here.
A little while ago (Eastern Standard Time), I gave the seller's broker my final position re the vermiculite in the attic in the property I have a contract to buy.
I required that the seller remove the vermiculite before I purchase it. There are several reasons for this. Seller is local to the area and I am not. All of the tenants have leases with the seller. If there is any interruption in the tenants' use of the property during the abatement, I want her to deal with it. Also, I do not want to buy this property with a future thought about how and when I will deal with it, even with credits from the seller. I have many other things to do.
I told the seller's broker about the Zonolite Attic Insulation Trust and the possibility of 55% reimbursement.
To repeat, I required that the seller address this and not give me monetary concessions to take care of it later because I believe seller is in a better position to do this. And I can wait. Money had nothing to do with it. Time, convenience, and location trumped.
This discussion made all the difference to me, and I am grateful. I tested how it would fit this property every time someone offered information and advice. Thank you!