Hello, my name is Justin. I have a question on what is the best path forward to start investing in real estate. A little background information last November my parents got a letter in the mail saying that the trailer park they were in was closing down. They have lived there for around 22 years, I grew up in the park and it not like a regular trailer park. They live on almost an acre lot and mostly older people live there. The letter said by April 30 they had to move out. I got in touch with my mortgage broker and ask if I could buy a house for my parents to move into they would just pay the mortgage, insurance, and taxes. He said I had to have 15% to 20% down and six months of payments in reserve which I do. We have look from November to now and haven't found them anything in their price range. My broker came back saying why don't we just let them move into our house and we find another house and use an FHA loan it would be easier and cheaper. I and my wife agree to let my parents move into our house now here is where my question comes in. We are looking at three options
1. Buy another house using an FHA loan our monthly payments on our new house would almost be the same. Around $800 a month with taxes and insurance include.
2. Move there trailer to a mobile home park and live in their trailer lot rent is around $350 a month. Save money to buy assets.
3. Buy a camper trailer and put in our back yard and live in their while saving money to buy assets. Monthly payment around $175