As a newbie, I thought I'd chime in to let you know what took me so long to get to BP and interested in REI. I have a good job that I enjoy, and though I'm familiar with passive income podcasts and such I am not dying for another gig or to stop working right now. My life is pretty great!
I know no one who invests in real estate as a primary or secondary job. I know PLENTY of people who are underwater on their homes. My family members are not financial whiz kids to say the least. The most successful family members I have have just saved a lot of money and taken on minimal risk. Only one has purchased two vacation homes and has left them with no maintenance or upkeep for the last thirty years. They are now a headache and an expense to refurbish. I am not a handyperson by any means so rehabbing is out for me.
I am debt free except for my mortgage on my home, which is a two family (duplex) that I rent to a family member. So I have some extra cash that I would like to start putting to work somewhere that isn't a 401K.
I initially found BP a couple months ago, if that, while researching Airbnb investing since I happened to meet someone who bought a place in a vacation area of New Hampshire and had a PM taking care of it for him. He was cash flowing a few hundred bucks a month, though I doubt he was taking capex and other expenses when telling me that figure. In any case it made me think hmmmm that sounds interesting.
I'm looking to buy and hold and currently focusing on turnkey research but more than anything right now I'm looking to learn. I am spending time ordering books from the library, listening to BP podcasts and reading these forums to learn as much as possible. I understand the fear factor because it does seem like there's a ton to learn and I don't want to get into something without knowing what I'm doing, but a certain learning period is understandable.
Had I not met that person that had that one investment property I may never have stumbled across BP. And honestly - I would have been OK had I not gotten into REI, I'm in an OK financial position. But I would like to diversify my investments and growth is always welcome, so here I am!