Not trying to bust your chops, but there's a difference between being in the top income bracket and having a high net worth. Attorneys look for the big, easy money. Garnishing your wages, significant though they may be, is not something any plaintiff attorney is going to want to do.
Also, the property may be worth $1.5 million, but what kind of equity do you have in it? What kind of equity do you have in your home? What kind of cash and securities do you have on hand? If you're worth millions, then you should be having this conversation with your lawyer and not waste your time with advice from someone internet guy who may or may not know what he's talking about (even if I did handle claims for an insurance company in my previous career).
Having said that, you can bump your limits up by a million and then add an umbrella policy which would provide excess coverage to all of your policies (home, car, investment property). One more thing, before you go spending money on an LLC, you should bump your auto liability limits to the maximum (generally $500k) because that's where the real liability is. Hope that helps.