@Moe C. , gotcha.
@Jennifer A. ,
I tell applicants that due to things like that in the past, I will continue to keep the posting up and market the property until the deposit is received and the lease signed. This makes sure you don't have to restart the process, and motivates the new tenant to act quickly if they are serious about it, IMHO.
Regarding over-improving. I pondered this a lot on my properties because I'm a long-term buy and hold investor. There are definitely benefits in higher rents, lower vacancies, hopefully longer tenancies with a nicely improved place. And you may tell yourself that it's improved the value of your property - which is true if its not worn out by the time you sell it. But if you hold it for a very long time, the present value of any realization upon sale is so small (for many extra improvements), its practically immaterial. So I like to focus on what it brings me today.. it's a constant balance..
Thanks for sharing!