A few quick points, you never want to give the seller ernest money directly. It should go to one of the brokers (here its the buyers side). You'll either get it back at closing, will go toward closing, seller will get it because you failed to close without reason or you'll get it back because seller couldn't hold up on their end of the deal...or in one of my cases financing fell through and seller wouldn't sign off on releasing the ernest money so I had to wait 2 years to get it back...yay Ohio!
As others have said, you need to make sure the home is liveable in its current condition. If an appraiser tells the bank they notice glaring issues with major components and it's not liveable the home will not pass conventional requirements. There's a reason you see so many flippers looking for HML!
Also don't get your wife's broker will want a piece of the pie for listing on MLS even if she doesn't take a commission. Find out if it would be the full amount regardless of commission or if they have a discount for selling personal properties.
Good luck!