Hi Jeremy and Anthony! Thank you both gor replying. I'm in Ft. Lauderdale and the city does allow this in my area, and there are other home owners in my neighborhood who have converted... you can tell because they've either replaced the garage door with a window or filled the cavity to match the match the front exterior.
I've also contacted the city to ask general questions and to ask if this is permitted in my neighborhood, what's needed etc. I've researched the city regulations too. But as for house-specific info? I won't know that until I submit a permit with drawings.
What I'm not finding out is how to scale back the full-scale list of things needed by the city... like do i need a full-blown set of drawings, all signed and sealed for a tiny 280 square foot garage conversion? This is what they cannot tell me until I submit.
That's why I camr here, looking for others who have done this. I am putting in a small bathroom, enclosing the area inside where the automatic garage door is... city requires that all conversions in our area raise the floor. I'll also need some walls to section off the bathroom. Nothing extravagant.
Wondering if I can scale back from needing a full-set of architectural drawings which can run from $3800 up to $5,000 (signed and sealed) and get minimal just basic drawings and then let the city dictate which drawings or documents are needed after I submit a drawing?