Assuming you did not performed an inspection with them at move-in, next time you are in the property do a thorough inspection with them on the property before it goes beyond reach (I would do ASAP).
As you learn more, some people are more particular with things than others, specially the first two months after moving in. They are getting use to the property. Is typical. What is not typical is the yelling on the phone.
Before you have reasonable cause of terminating their contact, try to work with them, avoid telephone conversations, try to communicate with them first via text. Get some leverage, for example, safety lights: They wanted, they were not in place when they moved in. Split the cost, lights stay with property, they feel safe, win-win. Dumpster another story, you said you were about to take care of the rubbish. Should not be a problem for you, I assume.
I would suggest, be sure you are terminating them because of a breach in the contract.