Hi Jermaine,
I hope you were able to find a way to determine the value of 32 unit Apartment. But just in case you didn't I thought I provide you with how I was taught by professional real estate investors.
So there are many approaches to determining ARV or Value of a property. For multi-family units with 4 or less units it is still considered a single family and you can use the usual comps comparison approach and find similar properties in the area.
For multi-family units with 5 or more they are considered commercial and the process or rules for determining value are greatly different. For one thing as you probably have noticed it is hard to get accurate comps as there is nothing to compare. Because it is considered commercial it is a whole new world of investing.
You start by determining your total potential annual rental income assuming 100% occupancy and no loss. Then you subtract out vacancy, rental loss, and daily operating expenses for the year. This will give you your Net Operating Income or NOI for the year. Take the NOI and divide that by the asking/purchase price to get the Cap Rate. The Cap Rate will help you determine if the property has potential in a Market or if it is a bad investment. Typically you want the building Cap Rate to be higher than the Market Cap Rate which can be determined by contacting a local Commercial Real Estate Broker. Alternatively, if you know the Market Cap Rate and NOI you can determine the value of the property. After you determined the property to be a good investment you will want to then calculate the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR). This is calculated by taking the NOI and dividing it buy your Annual Debt Service. If you plan on buying the property outright and not financing you don't need the DSCR but then you hurt your Cash Return on Investment (CROI). CROI is calculated by taking the NOI subtracting your debt service to get your cash flow and dividing that by your initial cash investment or down-payment. With these three numbers you can determine whether or not a Commercial Property is a good investment or not. A good DSCR is above 1.25. A good CROI is between 5 - 15%, above 15% may need to do a little more digging into the financials or check your numbers, below 5% walk away.
Hopefully that helps you determine future value of Commercial Properties you intend to buy.
Joshua Rottenbacher