@Alison Wise That was a ton of great advice, thanks so much for taking the time to respond!!
So becoming a loan signing agent, I actually did use the NNA course and it was a little dry but had a lot of helpful information to it. From everything I gathered it was a fundamental course to take, which seems like that is holding true.
I definitely need to become well-versed in Ohio Notary Laws, as they are no doubt important to the entire process, especially to avoid any type of legal trouble. Sticking aside some time each week should help out with this, I just need to commit to it.
Also, I first heard about Mark's Loan Signing program before becoming an agent, but I found so many back and fourth reviews on the program that I figured I would do with the NNA course first. Hearing another good review from you definitely temps me to check it out in the future though.
Hopefully soon I can register in an abundance of some databases and signing services! I'm still slightly nervous about getting started because I feel that I don't know enough to do a signing by myself. With more studying/reviewing of the material I already have and using some more online sources, I definitely know I'll be ready soon!
I'll update as I move along in the process as well.
Thanks again Alison for taking the time to give me such sound advice. I really do appreciate it!