Thank you for taking the time in answering my question.
I do apologize in the way I asked, I am still new to this. So I am still learning how to word everything correctly. so please bare with me.
Lets say a person makes 15,000 a year before taxes and wanted to get a property to fix and rent out. in southern California.
lets say the person used a hard money lender to obtain the property, and sources for the rehab and closing cost + extras in case anything pop up that needed to get done.
now that the rehab is done and the house is ready to be appraised, rented out with a management company and refinanced.
would there be a way to refinance the house with that low of an income ?
if after the refinancing , it was way higher then what the person could afford?
Lets say that the numbers were added up before hand with what the loan might look like and the person had a bank account that could cover 6 months of payments of what the bank would probably ask for the loan saved up. would that improve their chances with a low income?
this is the best way I can explain this. I hope I explained correctly, if not please educate me.