If you are looking to link up with like minded people in the Indianapolis area this is the meet up for you! This will be a casual meet up. No pitching or products for sale of any kind. Just people with the same interest in real estate investing meeting up and talking with each other over some food and drinks. I am from California and think it would be amazing to get some newbies, long time investors, agents, brokers, property managers, and anyone involved or wanting to be involved in real estate together. Looking forward to this. If you cant make it but would still like to connect or perhaps meet up another day while I am in town from June 4th through the 8th please send me a message.
P.S. There are no guest speakers speaking, mostly people sharing experiences, advice, tips and anything real estate related among one another. If you would like to shed out from the crowd and give some advice or talk about what you are doing in real estate we can make that happen!