I appreciate the responses and advice already given. Here are some of the complaints we had and how we handled it.
1. Front door is drafty and not to the security level she liked. We did replace it.
2. The upstairs tenant was too loud during the day. She works third shift and had a hard time sleeping. I had suggested she work it out with her neighbor but she didn't want to cause an issue so I sent out a general noise awareness email to the building. After numerous complaints multiple times a week, I reached out the upstairs tenants directly with emails and a phone call. The upstairs tenant has lived there 2 years and I never had a complaint about her until the new tenant moved in. This went on for about 2 months.
3. Her apartment is too cold. She wanted us to add more insulation which we refused but did add extra heaters to help and made sure all existing heaters were working properly.
4. The electric bill is too high. We spoke with the electrician and he did not find an issue beside cranking the heat and electric prices rising.
5. Her oven is smoking. Upon inspection nothing was found wrong with it so nothing was changed there.
6. Most currently, she is saying that there is a mold problem effecting her health. I did do an air quality test which came up normal. She also did one which came out not normal ( I was not there for her test) I have looked into a professional coming out to check at this time.
She has lived there only 6 months and seems to have a new problem every other week. I have offered her to break her lease early with $500 extra for moving costs. I am responsive to her questions and concerns. I would love any advice on how to better handle a tenant like this.