@Drew Clayton
I have one single family purchased with conventional financing and am looking to do my first BRRRR so I'm fairly new too. But here's what I see.
For my down and dirty quick BRRRR calculations, I take the time to estimate ARV. Then I take 70% of ARV which is the cash out refinance for a duplex. In your case it's 75%. I take that number and subtract the purchase price. The remainder is what is left for rehab and financing costs. If it goes right to zero, that's a good to great BRRRRR. With the leads I'm seeing, it looks like I'll be leaving some money in my first BRRRR. So I have to balance the money left in the deal with what it would take to acquire a similar property that was already rehabbed. In other words, what it would take to buy a property with that ARV.
In your case, assuming the ARV of $145K is accurate, your 75% is the $108,750 you have toward the bottom. You subtract your $85K purchase price, you'd need rehab and financing to be $23,750 for a good to great BRRRR. Obviously that's probably not realistic, so the question is comparing the money you're leaving in the deal to what it would take to buy a rehabbed property with your projected ARV for this one. $145K times 0.25 + $5,000 in closing is $41,250. So, going to the trouble of rehabbing a property, you would leave over half of what it would cost to just buy a similar property with conventional financing. I don't know much yet, but I think I'd pass on that opportunity.