Not sure if this is the right spot to post but here goes.
Just went under contract on a sfr with a non attached Accessory Dwelling Unit 1 bedroom cottage in the very back of property.
First question - The list price reflected equal sq ft value across the total sq ft of the SFR and ADU combined. Everyone I have talked to said it's unlikely to get appraised that way (for reference I can make good cashflow even at full price). I think this was mistake number 1 by the investor, thinking he could rehab both and get a combined market sq ft price.
If it gets appraised for less, and I think it will, more off the top for me. Anyone experience this and can share what happened on appraisal of a scenario like this?
Second question - haven't had survey yet, but publicly available plot images looks like the ADU and a shed on property are CLEARY over the property line on the neighbors property. could be close but what were you thinking distances. Anyone have this scenario play put and what was outcome?
Ive been told by people experiencing this they (current owner) had to reach out and negotiate a piece of the neighbors property to solve it. Any other experiences here on how that played out?