@Adrian Jenkins
a) buying in a place I’ve never been to - Order appraisal and inspection. These should give you the comfort of know that property exists and the overall condition of the house.
b) not being able to tell what part is good or bad - I am assuming your are talking about neighborhoods. For a start you can look at different stats like crime, owner-occupant %, income, etc.. You should also give a few PMs a call and ask them about it.
c) not being able to tell if I’m being taken advantage of by a local real estate agent - Vet them and use referrals. Meet with them if you can.
d) since I work a 9-5, I’ll hardly ever go out to visit - I have rentals that I have never visited and never had to. Leave the day-to-days to PMs. Even if I had a rental down my block, I would prefer to have someone else handle the midnight plumbing calls. Technology has improved and has made managing rentals remotely much easier too.
If you need some help with the research, message me and i'll gladly help.