You have to work for a brokerage if you don't have your broker's license. The biggest pro is property access. When you have your license you can see any home on the market and don't have to wait for an agent to get back to you. Another pro is that most of the agents you work with won't understand investing and will be working in their best interests, not yours because no non-investor agent wants to show you 10 dumps on a Saturday just so you can lowball 4 of them. On listings, pending your brokerage, you can save a lot of money, but only if you are a good agent who knows how to do a flip listing right. The cons are just fees, but the access is worth it. MLS fees, brokerage fees. Most investor-agents look for smaller brokerages where the splits are better, the costs are less, and they don't require much. It's definitely worth having.
I don't mind disclosing and use the license as a great alternative to homeowner who are unrealistic about their price. Like, oh you want market price for your property? I can list it for you to get you more offers, but to do that we will need to put a sign up, a lockbox on, have access all the time for showings, you will need to clean up, organize. They've already stopped me by now. Disclosure is just part of it, it's how you explain your license that sets you apart.