Great info, but I have to respectfully disagree on investment vs speculation.
The fundamental difference between investing vs speculating is not about risk of losing principal. A good investment can be associated with a high risk of lossing the principal as long as the expected return vs cost is favorable.
In equation form, if:
potential return x probability of gain >> cost of investment.
For example, a deal that costs 10K that is associated with a 50% change to earn $100k is a great investment! Since 100K x 0.5 = 50K >> 10K. Think about startup investors, they know the chance of each company they invest in turning into a unicorn is small, however by investing in many companies their expected return is very high. I would classify them as investors and not as speculators.
Investment is about knowing the true value (cost) of what you are buying--calculated based on the expected future return of that property, and then obtaining that property at a relatively lower price.
Speculation is about buying something without knowing how much it is worth (i.e. bitcoins) and hopes greater fools come along and buy it from you at a higher cost.
For a good description on the difference between investing and speculating (the greater fool theory) read the first few chapters of the book below: