I have a portfolio of a mix of 22 single family and multifamily properties and I am considering the following strategy. The goal would be to diversify payoff times and to increase cash flow. I am interested in feedback on this plan. By the way, all of these properties are leveraged currently on 15 year portfolio loans with local banks that balloon in 5 years. What I want to do is:
1) Keep all of the properties with a value under 50,000 on the same financing stated above, with a goal to pay them off in 10 years.
2) Refinance all of the properties valued over 60,000 to 30 year fixed financing at at rate of 7.5%. These properties would be leveraged at 75% of LTV and include, 2 triplexes, 2 duplexes, and 5 single families (value $700,000). The total value of the portfolio is close to 2 million.
My goal would be to keep adding to this portfolio in several different markets. The opinion of several investors in the market I invest in to keep things on the 15 year plan to paydown the debt faster, but I want to go to between 80-100 units (for cash flow purposes) and local banks are starting to cap me at current levels. My thinking is that if I payoff some of the larger balances with the small banks they will allow me to borrow additional capital. What do you all think?
Also if this doesn't make sense please tell me, I'm still learning.