At the moment I have the finances to buy
Assuming it's a healthy market for short-term rentals and you can break even, just buy it. Or don't buy it and look for a healthier market. Do the math on a fixed payment over 30 years and assume rising nightly rates (2 - 3% / yr). Your principle payment is effectively an illiquid savings account which others pay for along with the appreciating value of the property.
Even if you're not netting much cash for a couple years, you have 28 years of positive cash inflow on top of the equity. Even if you were slightly in the hole for a year, it should pan out, but I wouldn't advise anyone get in that position unless they could ride it out.
I made some conservative calculations on a 500K property in a good short-term rural rental market and the projected rental income + 1% annual property appreciation (very modest) came to $1.1m net positive value over 30 years.
We bought it. Our first year is almost complete and beating projections on rental income (+50% by booked nights alone) and property appreciation (+10%) which implies we'll be well above my projections in the end, even with some bad years in there. But every investor is a winner in a bull market, so take my story with a grain of salt. It's easy for me to tell you what to do with your money :).