Hesitant to beat a dead horse, but maybe you're like me, steal struggling with the decision of starting an LLC or not. I'm still weighing my options and have not made a decision. However, from a liability standpoint I was surprised to find out I could get a $1M Umbrella Policy for 3 vehicles and 8 pieces of property for $295/year! I figure why not until I figure out this mystery behind should I or should I not start an LLC.
I'm going to speak with an attorney soon, and I'm "loaded for bear" as we say in my neck of the woods, but just so many questions keep coming up and I just cannot land on a conclusion on the subject of an LLC. I'll for sure follow up with my accountant too.
Two things though:
1. I wanted folks to know an Umbrella policy was pretty inexpensive (maybe I'm one of the few that didnt know that).
2. Anyone want to offer up any specific questions I should ask the attorney or my accountant on the subject of an LLC?