I saw Your post, If your in Pennsylvania, where I've been investing for 30 years. We have a Fica score of 600 with 3 times rent for income. We used to require 2.5 x rent in income. With that we ended up with too many eviction. Once we changed to 600 fica score and 3 times rental income we dramactly dropped our eviction.
Before you waste the time showing them your units make sure to pre qualify them first, Even after you prequalify them, they may still lie to you. But if you do that, you will drop off a number of the bad showings and be able to show them to the good ones. I have a google doc that I text over to them and they fill out before I even talk to them. The google doc will tell them if they qualify or not (again it's only to pre qualify them first) . Some people still lie on them again less waste of time on showing the units. With this pre qualification we are still only relaying on their honesty. But you will have less waste of time showings and less applicants, but the applicants you get are more likly to qualify.
Any questions please reach out to me.