@James Wise
The 2 strategies that I use against LE deals, are as follows:
1. My system alerts me to any property, that I identify as being in the GO ZONE. This is what I refer to as a neighborhood that has an historical record of consistently strong appreciation, over a period of time. For me, it's 10 years. Let's say that number is 8%, per year. In a little over 12 years, I would be looking at doubling my money. Even if I wanted to capitalize it in 10 years, I would still be doing very well. Since landlords are more concerned with cash flow, they wouldn't be looking at LE deals, thus never see this opportunity.
2. The most lucrative strategy, is to wrap this into an OF deal. My deals are 9.5% interest, if I secure a sub 2 at 4-6%, I'm doing pretty well. The beauty of this strategy, i have ZERO expenses, and my cash flow is considerably more than $100-200 per month.
As far as the DOS clause, I don't lose any sleep over it. I know banks are known for doing some pretty dumb things, but if they are foolish enough to call a performing 4-6% note due, only to risk having to resell it at 3%, there is not much that can be said about that.
Yes, there are those people that think they make more money by taking advantage of a sub 2 and letting it foreclose, they make a few grand. However, those that do this to actually make real money, actually do help the seller. Our payments are always on time and it's the seller's credit that gets the benefit.