Sir Plaks (You've been temporarily & arbitrarily demoted from Count, I'm feeling all bitchy today):
I hear ya. Back when I did returns (I would presently prefer to breed with a Biden than do them again) I'd expense the non-accountable plan expenses paid via personal means and write the client an email saying "it may not fly in an audit, you are on the hook for penalties, etc., sign here" because they did wish to have an accountable plan and follow it (e.g. - have the 2-page plan doc, keep receipts, fill out reimbursement forms, etc.). I believe you on business card points as well. People have really weird priorities, young people even more so, SMH. Get off my lawn, etc.
Which are some of the reasons why, per Jay Adkisson, a renowned expert in the area of asset protection, over 80% of small business LLC's would be easily pierced. Most purveyors of LLC's set them up (and in the case of people out of Nevada or Utah, tend to grossly overcharge for lots of needless moving parts) and do a terrible job of teaching people how to well & truly maintain them. And even when such maintenance is taught....well, entrepreneurs. The same DNA that drives them to seek deals seems to make them lousy administrators. Except the engineers....for all that I pick on them a lot (and I do), they do tend to follow a plan (once they have grossly over-analyzed it).
Bottom line: Most REI LLC's I have seen would be easily pierced. With "commingling of assets" being the fastest ticket to that destination. Due To/Due From accounts, so-called "intercompany loans", spending company money on personal things, entities that do not even have bank accounts (evidently OK with some of the NV/UT "asset protection experts"), etc.