I had the lead service line from the bbox into my house replaced in 2016 at a cost of about $9,000. To go from the bbox to the water main would have involved going across the street, and cost an additional $10,500, plus permit fees of about $3,000. The deposit that the plumber has to put down is substantial, and he doesn't get it back for years.
Eventually, I'll get the bbox to main service pipe replaced.
The whole problem is that the City REQUIRED the use of lead pipe up until 1986, even though the dangers of lead pipe have been known for centuries. It was a sop to the plumber's union, since lead is harder to work with than copper, and the plumber's union, for all its faults, does have a good training program. It meant more jobs for union plumbers (you can be a licensed plumber without being a union-trained plumber).
I wish the City would waive the permit fee. Inspect, sure, but free installation inspections is the least the City of Chicago could do after ignoring the health of its residents for so long.